
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pinterest and the Pauper!

Welcome to Pinterest and the Pauper! I am Amanda, a complete and self proclaimed Pinterest addict. If you're anything like me, you LOVE Pinterest too and maybe even have an unhealthy relationship with it. Guilty of clicking "See More Pins" when you should be headed to bed instead? Guilty as charged! I have attempted many a pin and have boards full of online treasures.  But I find myself with this unsatisfied need. Why is my closet not full of those great outfits? Why do I not look like one of those perfectly sculpted makeup tutorials? Why does my house not look like a Pottery Barn ad? And why am I not a gourmet chef?  My boards say I should be all those things!

So, I decided that I want more. I want the pleasure of a real relationship with Pinterest and want more than just a board of Pins. I am taking it into my own hands.

Now the bigger issue....I am not the Princess in this scenario. More like the Pauper or perhaps the Princess on a budget? Ha! Have you seen the cost for that perfect pair of boots, or that beautiful DIY dining room table?  Um...yeah. Not everything is in my budget. So, my goal is to find those outfits I love for less. To make those delicious mouth watering meals for less. To recreate that perfect look for less. To get crafty for less.  And you know what? If I can do it, anyone can. Being on a budget doesn't mean being featured on the People of Walmart or eating Mac and Cheese from a box every night. It just means we need to be clever and cunning and beat our pocket book to the punch.  We are worth the effort!

And so, I will be attempting to recreate my beloved pins and sharing the results here. I can't promise they will always be a success, but I hope that those who read this will enjoy it and be inspired by those behind the pins as much as I am. There are some wonderful fellow bloggers out there with fantastic ideas we have all pinned! Afterall, what is a board full of pins good for? Happy Pinning!


  1. Hi Amanda! I just happened upon your blog via Pinterest, of course! I love it and am excited to see what all you try out. I've been working my way through some Pinterest inspired projects as well. I've recently started up my blog again and plan to start posting more.

  2. Kara, thanks for stopping by my guilty pleasure! Lol! What is your blog? I'd love to see it!

  3. Hi Amanda, I know im a little late but id like to congratulate you on your fantastic paint job on this. It's very inspiring to me. I just painted my clavinova piano which was laminate and now im hooked! I got a free laminate desk and veneer bookshelf on craigslist which are my next paint projects. Thanks for the tips and inspiration.

    I also wanted to give you a little tip, blogger to blogger. Any of the comments where the individaul has included a link, are spammers. They only commented because this post and your blog is so popular, they are hoping to ride your coattails.

    Its a drain on your blogs PR, delete them. I dont even blog anymore but I still continuously maintain my comments, deleting spammers comments with a quickness.

    Anywho thanks again for sharing,

  4. Thank you Lauren! I'm addicted to furniture make overs. And thank you for the tip! I'm going to have to go look through all my blog comments. If you would ever like to share your photos of your own make-overs, I'd love to see what you did!

    Have a great day and thanks for taking the time to stop by!
