
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Pirate Room Make-Over: Part 1!

Ahoy Matey! Doesn't it seem that children grow up much too fast? Arrrrgggg!!! (Pardon the puns! hehe) Didn't I just have the fun of putting together my son's Mickey Mouse room? And yet here we are a year and half later with a new baby boy, and so, a new boy room to share. I had seen some very cute space ship bedding and had lots of ideas in mind, but then I went to Target(dang them!) and saw their adorable pirate themed bedding. I was smitten! So I went home and hit up Pinterest for Nautical and Pirate room ideas. Man, there are some very clever people out there! I saw actual boat beds and rod iron wall lamps. I saw painted ceilings and huge sails and pirate flags. I had neither the budget or the time for something that grand, but I had plenty to work with!

So here is Part 1!


The Bed: I bought the cute bed frame on a local buy/sell FB page for $50. Score! I painted it brown with Spray paint from Lowes. I think the color was called Thorny Brush by Valspar. I found the navy striped comforter online at for $19! The sham and skirt were separate but total bedding was $35! The Pirate quilt I had been looking at was $79, so that's a savings of almost $50. 

Wall Art: I bought Pirate wall stickers from my local Target where I saw the bedding. They were $12. I then went and bought a set of canvases from Michaels. It was a 4 pack that was on sale for $7.99. Woot! So I made the wall art with the stickers and canvas. I just simply painted the canvas and then applied the stickers. Done. The Yo Ho sign was one of those pieces of foam board that are .99 cents. Painted it and added the words. Its not perfect but it will do! I bought the ship's wheel at Hobby Lobby on clearance and they added an additional amount off due to damage. Hey, if it works, it works, right? I thought it all turned out pretty fun! 

Window: I used a twin sized sheet from Walmart ($4) for the window "sail" and some rope from Michaels($5). All I had to do was create a rod pocket for it to hang. I cheated and used the Witch Stitch stuff that you just iron on instead of actually sew. Then I swooped it over with some twine and tied it with a knot. 

My most expensive splurge was the Pirate Octopus pillow from Target. He was $17.99. 

So far I have come in under budget and have been pleasantly pleased. I am now working on the other half of the room. A lamp, dresser, crib bedding, and book shelf. Then onto Daughter's room! No rest for the weary...

Hope you are having a great summer!

Happy Pinning!

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